Thursday 22 August 2013

The 3rd full moon

Tonight, I walked down the streets in the presence of the ghost from our past love. It was the third full moon this summer. I hummed our song while I laid underneath the stars with my heart filled in shattered memories that are now no more. Since the day he was gone a part of me has perished. But I know our love will some day be incipient again. In these few days I have learnt how to move on in the absence of he,but I have slowly come to understand the reason for his farewell. Distnce. Distance is the reason he let go of me, he never moved on or stopped loving me. In distance love loses its passion and its strength. It's like a fire once so very strong but at the end it extinguishes once and for all. So now if fate is kind and reunites our hearts once more then it shall be. 
Our future is in the hands of our destiny. If it is meant to be then only time could reveal the truth.. 

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Forbiden love

But who is he? He is the other peice of my soul, and with that I know him far more than he knows himself. He loves me. Even if he won't admit,he has left signs, and again the 13 year old comes out crying to me and saying he wishes I was in his arms under the romantic sunset, oh but my beloved, if only you knew how much I wanted to tell you at that moment what you meant to me, I always knew that little boy in you is still there, and he is the one i love, and I know he loves me so. Some people were only meant to love each other, but not be together. This is true love, for our souls have discovered it selves in the others heart.
I shall never give up.
But I do know that if this is true love yet we are far apart.
This is Forbiden Love.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Hardest Goodbye...

   Now here I am..after a full year...a year with that one person I loved and always will more than anything...I looked at him and whispered "do u love me?" when I heard him say yes in my head a million times his true reply was "I don't know" that very moment I felt my whole world come to an ending...its over I tell true love..isn't...a cold rush runs through my spine as a flash comes in front of me and displays our shadowy past..from sitting under the tree with his arms around me till his very last words....Good was the end..I held him in my arms for the last didn't feel the same,but when he let was over...I didn't bother to fight...I know I can't give him all he wants..and what is love? Nicholas Sparks has told me...its when  you put your partners happiness before your owns no matter how much pain it will cause you,so I'm letting him go for his happiness...and I stand beside my window and search for the full moon in the night sky...for that's how it was the first time he told me he loves me...a full moon... I think of our every word,every second,ever memory,every matter how many years pass by...he will always be the 13 year old Majd that i met on October 10 with hair spiked up and circled glasses....he will always love me like that year we spent my head he will always hold me in his arms...but today as he stands in front of me...he is 14 with hair down and a gentleman's looking glasses with a job and more responsibilities me he will always remain that 13 years old...
and i will always...
 always love him...
 Farewell my lover....

Saturday 8 June 2013

True Love Never Fades

It has been a while since I have blogged I am sorry dearly my fellow readers,but to all the people out there who still seek true love, I would like to tell you all, that true love never fades... as you all know I met my true love and I was forbidden to ever being with him again,after a while of trying to make it work out. I never gave up but, he did,we both were in pain and based on what his friends told me he couldn't stand to see me suffer anymore.We haven't talked afterwards for over 2 months.may 27,it was my birthday we talked for the first time in 3 months I instantly fell in love with him all over again , for the reason that kept me moving on was denying it all and not seeing nor talking to him and after that week ended he came to me and told me he still loves me...If a love is true then not even denying it can ever prevent it from going on.. True love dose exist and it never fades even in its purest ....
Majd Ibrahim i loved you before 
i love u still and i promise you...
  i always will...