Thursday 22 August 2013

The 3rd full moon

Tonight, I walked down the streets in the presence of the ghost from our past love. It was the third full moon this summer. I hummed our song while I laid underneath the stars with my heart filled in shattered memories that are now no more. Since the day he was gone a part of me has perished. But I know our love will some day be incipient again. In these few days I have learnt how to move on in the absence of he,but I have slowly come to understand the reason for his farewell. Distnce. Distance is the reason he let go of me, he never moved on or stopped loving me. In distance love loses its passion and its strength. It's like a fire once so very strong but at the end it extinguishes once and for all. So now if fate is kind and reunites our hearts once more then it shall be. 
Our future is in the hands of our destiny. If it is meant to be then only time could reveal the truth.. 

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