Saturday 29 December 2012

Best Vacation Ever

      So my ex "new best friend" still loves me! and his mother was whom admitted that to me! he keeps impressing me and he actually bought me a bracelet! but after all that me and my ex's mother became very close friends we went shopping together! wow my life is messed up! hahaha but hey a normal life is boring right? 

Thursday 27 December 2012

Another day... of alone

        here i am, reading every single piece of letter he has ever written for me,thinking of every single word he has ever whispered to me, remembering all the promises we have made, that were broken by simply a promise that was made to a father,i couldn't risk in loosing his trust, but i also cant risk loosing my true love, at this point i have no idea what to do...
I'm locked in a room with all doors closed tight.... and i just cant find the key... that would finally lead me to my hearts desires, how can i ever be with him again?
that question still remains... unanswered.....

To my dearest Majd ,

 Being apart, kills me, i assume it kills you too, remember when we were under the tree, and we talked about Christmas presents, i wish i was beside you for this one,but wishes only come true by great effort and sorrow. there's no rainbow without some rain right? never give up on us, i know i wont ever give up on you...
merry late Christmas  my forever <3
watch this ----->

Wednesday 26 December 2012

this is to all the people who dont believe in true love:

      when i was in 7th grade i myself never believed in true love! But then this guy came into my life he wasn't  perfect but he was perfect in my eyes,  i remember our first common thing was our love to Michael Jackson, he use to call me everyday, we use to hangout he promised me he wont ask me out, i made him promise because i left my hometown and if i get too attached it would be very hard to cleave myself away... till one day we were walking around in school and he whispered to me the words "i love you" i didn't believe him at first, love wasn't at all in my dictionary but iv noticed he was different.... every boy that bothered me he use to reason with them in a way that sometimes made them run away unlike other boys just hit them to show off,he helped me with allot of hard times in my life,  he loved me for me, not for looks or other reasons, but hey, way before he told me he loved me i was crazy about him! our love grew stronger in only 2 days after we got into a relationship, our love was that love people dreamed of having, even when we are only looking at each other people would know we are in love!our love was just like normal love blazing fire!
 its like god sent him to me because i was homesick.... to get me through all that.... he is my angel....
and he truly is...