Wednesday 17 July 2013

Forbiden love

But who is he? He is the other peice of my soul, and with that I know him far more than he knows himself. He loves me. Even if he won't admit,he has left signs, and again the 13 year old comes out crying to me and saying he wishes I was in his arms under the romantic sunset, oh but my beloved, if only you knew how much I wanted to tell you at that moment what you meant to me, I always knew that little boy in you is still there, and he is the one i love, and I know he loves me so. Some people were only meant to love each other, but not be together. This is true love, for our souls have discovered it selves in the others heart.
I shall never give up.
But I do know that if this is true love yet we are far apart.
This is Forbiden Love.